
High-yield Tips and Do’s & Don’ts of ERAS Application For Residency MATCH

ERAS Application

High-yield Tips and Do’s & Don’ts of ERAS Application For Residency MATCH

This article highlights point-by-point some general tips and important do’s and don’ts of ERAS application:

General Tips on How to Make ERAS Electronic Profile:

-Make sure to fill out all the required fields in your ERAS application.
-Upload all required documents, such as your CV, personal statement, and letters of recommendation.
-Tailor your personal statement to the programs you are applying to.
-Make sure your contact information is up-to-date.
-Research the programs you are applying to and tailor your application accordingly.
-Ask your recommenders to submit their letters early, to ensure that they arrive on time.
-Keep a copy of your ERAS application for your records.
-Follow up with programs to ensure that they received your application.
-Use the AAMC’s ERAS Support Services if you have any questions or issues with your application.
-Keep in mind that the ERAS system is only open for a limited time, so make sure to submit your application on time.

Do’s of ERAS CV:

-Tailor your CV to the specialty you are applying to.

-Use clear and concise language.

-Include your USMLE or COMLEX scores.

-Highlight your research and publications.

-Include any leadership or volunteer experiences.

-List any honors or awards you have received.

-Include your contact information and email address.

-Use bullet points to make it easier to read.

Don’ts of ERAS CV:

-Proofread for spelling and grammatical errors.

-Don’t use overly complex language or jargon.

-Don’t include irrelevant information.

-Don’t use abbreviations without explaining them first.

-Don’t include personal information such as your age or marital status.

-Don’t leave out important information such as your education or work experience.

-Don’t use overly flashy or creative formatting: Stick to a clean, professional layout that is easy to read. Avoid overly fancy formatting or graphics.

-Don’t use overly casual or informal language: Use formal, professional language throughout your ERAS CV.

-Don’t include irrelevant or outdated information: Only include the most relevant and recent information.

-Don’t use an unprofessional email address: Use a professional email address that includes your full name.

-Don’t use overly technical language or jargon: Remember that the people reading your ERAS CV may not be familiar with your specific field or specialty.

-Don’t include too much personal information: Remember that the ERAS CV is not a personal statement, and should focus on your professional experiences and achievements.

-Don’t exaggerate or falsify information: Be truthful and accurate in your ERAS CV.

-Don’t neglect to proofread: Make sure to proofread your ERAS CV multiple times for grammar and spelling errors. This is an important step in creating a professional and polished document.

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